Working With HACT UK Housing Data Standards LaunchPad programme
Illumar are working closely with HACT to develop strategies enabling housing providers to take the next step in implementing UK Housing Data Standards. These standards have been developed by housing providers to enable better information, better decisions and to optimize performance.
The standards will be foundational to an information-enabled business model improving consistency, quality and accuracy of data and thereby improving data governance and risk management.
By developing common data models across service areas it is expected to reduce human error in re-keying and transcription between systems ultimately reducing the time for the delivery of services to customers and providing new opportunities providing reliable data for analytics, business intelligence and alignment with regulatory requirements and benchmarking organisations.
The current difficulty in implementing these standards lies in the different data architectures of many of the source systems. Illumar’s Housing Data Enterprise platform is a simple, quick way of overcoming this in a simple 4 steps:
Step 1
Extracting your data: this is system agnostic working with multiple data sources
Step 2
Processing your data: this is the clever bit. The system is capable of applying layers of business rules on the data generating lineage and transforming it.
Process step 1: Applying technical rules to ensure all data extracted is formatted and complete as expected.
Process step 2: Build the dataflow to address the HACT data standards and look at where the dats is being sourced ensuring it is from the appropriate source systems, applying rules to transform all data sourced from the ultimate parent source, creating joins and connections to derive results strictly following the standard’s rules.
Process step 3: Applying local business rules, for example, measuring the data derived against internal standards of service and validating activities follow the standard workflows e.g. ensuring proposed boiler repairs do not exceed cost of replacement or overwrite planned replacement cycles.
Step 3
Delivering the transformed data to the Unified Data Layer where the transformed data is available for onward processing and visualisation with reporting Apps and dashboards secure in the knowledge the data on which applications rely is correct and represents a single version of the truth for the organisation.
Example: Voids management process
Would you like to get involved?
We are currently looking for organisations to help us to define the application of the HACT UK Housing Data Standards. If you would be interested in working collaboratively with HACT and other housing associations on these standards then please register below: